I want standard USB-C Headphones


OnePlus is the latest entrant to announce nuking the headphone jack, and also a new pair of headphones using USB-C.

I’ve been using BT headphones for a while, so this wouldn’t bother me that much. And I’m also a big supported of USB-C as a whole. What I’m unsure about is whether these headphones use any standard protocol, or does each company implement this on their own?

In other words, is it possible to use, say, Pixel headphones in the OnePlus? According to PCWorld, that’s definitely not the case.

So, the next urgent logical step is to come together and design a new standard for this kind of thing, because I’m not willing to use USB-C (you know, universal serial bus) accessories that are tied to a single device I own.

I think Google has a big opportunity here to weight in and promote such a standard. Much like they did with Android chargers. Except they shouldn’t just “strongly recommend” it, they should require it. They own almost 80% of the mobile market so this would be a big victory on its own.

We’ve had enough with proprietary chargers and data cables. Please, don’t make the same mistakes over and over.